Maintenance of a healthy aquatic environment and production of sufficient fish food organisms (plankton) in ponds are two factors of primary importance for successful aquaculture culture operation.
The nutrient status of water and soil play the most important role in governing the production of plankton organisms or primary production in fish ponds. The bottom soil governs the storage and release of nutrients to the overlying water through various chemical and biochemical processes for biological production in the environment.
Our modern, well equipped water quality laboratory can undertake all statutory marine and fresh water analyses to standard methods and many non-standard techniques which are of value to statutory bodies, water companies, aquaculture companies and aquaculturists.
We can provide advice on water collection protocols if you wish to take samples yourselves and deliver these to us and in some circumstances can provide water sampler, containers and method for collection. If you have significant numbers of samples we may be able to collect free of charge. Alternatively we can conduct the sampling regime and process the samples on your behalf.
In Water and Soil quality analysis we analyse below parameters :
Water quality parameters: I. Physical parameters: Depth, Temperature, Turbidity And Light .
II. Chemical Parameters: pH (Hydrogen ion concentration),Salinity ,Alkalinity, Carbonate, Bicarbonate and Free Carbon dioxide, Dissolved oxygen, Total hardness, Dissolved Nitrogen and its compounds , Phosphorous, Plankton analysis Qualitative and Quantitative .
Soil quality parameters: Hydrogen ion concentration (pH), Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Organic carbon.
+91-90009 48599
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